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Reviewing Last Year's Business Records Gives You an Idea of What Worked and What Didn't

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Busy is good. Most small business owners would rather things were too hectic than too slow. As the year winds down, though, let your staff handle the busy-ness while you look at the business -- where you are, what you've accomplished in the past year and where you're headed in the new year and beyond.

Your Bottom Line

The quickest way to figure out where you are is to check your bottom line. Are you making money? Are profits better or worse than they were last year at this time? Are you meeting your expectations? If not, why not?

Your Business Plan

Change is inevitable. And businesses have a way of outgrowing their business plans. But if you don't have a current plan, you don't have a way of measuring your progress. So if you've been "off road" without a plan for a while, it's time to formalize a plan that reflects past growth and sets new goals for the next several years.

Your Competition

The more you know about your competition, the better. Who are they? How are they different? How are they the same? Where do you overlap each other? Understanding their business model will help you prepare strategically for possible changes in the marketplace.

Your Secret Weapon

Your workforce is your secret weapon, especially if you're in a competitive market. Dedicated, well-trained employees providing top-notch customer service can help put you out front of even the largest competitor. A rich, competitive benefits package will help you attract -- and retain -- a high-caliber workforce. Health insurance and retirement plans are highly valued benefits. You can offer a variety of other benefits to suit your employees' needs and your budget. Ask your financial professional for information.

Your Future

Do you have a formal succession plan? Are you grooming someone to take over? A well-trained successor could help in the successful -- and profitable -- transfer of your business. And you can use life insurance to prefund all or part of the sale.

Don't get left behind. Contact us today to discover how we can help you keep your business on the right track. Don't wait, give us a call today.


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Five Ways to Prepare for Tax Filings

Organize records for tax return benefits Now that the page has turned on another calendar year, the tax return season is fast approaching.

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